Where to take pictures?

Hi everyone! This year I was forced to look for some new locations for sessions. Reasons: (1) I was tiring out some of my favorite locations. (2) One of my favorite locations changed their rules for access and use of the location. (3) I needed to purchase special permits for photography at some of the Larimer county parks.

At the beginning of the year I decided I was going to invest in getting permits and passes to certain locations so that I could use them all the time instead of just once or twice a year. These permits are not cheap, but I do think they are totally worth it especially if I use them often.

This brings me to a location I hadn't used very much since I started taking pictures 4 years ago. Devil's Backbone. When I took pictures at this location before this year I always stayed around the trail head or up the path a little ways. This year I had an awesome family who didn't mind hiking so we hiked further up than I had before. I was pleasantly surprised by the view and the great background options.

This hike isn't too hard, maybe a couple of miles with a slow incline. The best time to go is about an hour and a half before sunset. Most of the trail is in the shade which is great, because during the day it is hotter than ever! When you get to the lookout point you are rewarded with an amazing view of the front range.

There are quite a few places along the way to stop and get some amazing shots. I recommend bringing some drinking water. Really though, this is such an easy hike that you don't even need to wear hiking shoes if you go slow enough. I have yet to get to the keyhole to take pictures, which is something I would love to do!

This place is a great location for family's (with kids who can handle walking a long ways), couples, portraits or senior pictures. You do have to consider hiking time when booking a session at Devil's Backbone. It takes a good 30+ minutes to get to the lookout point, so plan on your session being a bit longer than an average session. Which is great, because then I have time to get to know you a little better!

Not only do I get amazing portrait photography up there, but landscape photography is pretty good as well! Once after a session I had left my clients at the top to watch a storm that was rolling by. I was booking it down the trail and even though I was terrified of being struck by lighting or a rattlesnake, I just had to make myself stop and take a picture of the landscape. The clouds were so dark and the sun was setting so beautifully and it was totally worth it!

Thanks for reading this to the end! I hope to publish a blog post every month, so stay tuned.

Also, coming up are some fall mini sessions, contact me for more information.


“I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help.
My help cometh from the Lord, which made heaven and earth.”